
At Visionify, we believe in creating a culture that 
is not only great but also a blend of art and science.
detect defective labels on products

How to detect Defective labels on your products?

Product labels create a product’s first impression. This is where consumers determine the look, feel, and taste of a product. Food and beverage labels usually contain origin, date and expiry, amount or volume, and class. To leverage product-specific data to improve supply chain management and prevent food fraud at points of sale, these labels must be recognized automatically.

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code reader

How food and beverage case code reading is achieved

Case code reading is essential for food and beverage companies who wish to monitor their inventory, ensure quality, and maintain safe handling procedures. These practices are to be followed by every food and beverage company at all times. You may be wondering how case code reading is done. In this article, we will check food and beverage case code reading.

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